«Farm to table», or in Spanish «de la huerta a la mesa» (from the orchard to the table) restaurants are having a moment in Spain and across the globe. Freshness and a reduction of one’s energy profile meet in the middle all while supporting local farms and producers. When food doesn’t have to travel thousands of miles to end up on your plate you win and the local community wins. Sharing in the local harvest also allows restaurants to offer seasonal fare based on what is actually growing at this moment in the surrounding area.
Mijas Costa Weather Offers a Year-Long Growing Season
Unlike northern nations and latitudes, the growing season in southern Spain is all year long. The moniker «Costa del Sol» stands for «the Sun Coast» and it rings true in southern Spain most of the year. Sure, Calima and occasional spells of strong rain can come along, but local Spaniards have a running joke that the Malaga area gets 315 days of sun a year. That makes for a long and sun-filled growing season where fruits and vegetables flourish.
El Panal de la Reina, the Farm to Table Restaurant in Mijas
Not all restaurants that offer farm-to-table grow their own produce. Sure, they may purchase local produce, but they don’t actually tend crops or harvest them. At el Panal de la Reina, everything is grown on-site and tended by Lupe (the restaurant owner) and her family. She is a bee-keeper and incorporates the local produce she grows into her inspired fresh dishes.
Produce grown on-site includes:
- Olives (Aceitunas)
- Broccoli (Brócoli)
- Tomatoes (Tomates)
- Lettuce (Lechuga)
- Brussel Sprouts (Coles de Bruselas)
- Passion fruit (Maracuyá)
- Mango
- Persimmon (Caquis)
- Pomegranate (Granada)
- Apple (Manzana)
- Avocado (Aguacate)
- Pollen (Polen)
- Honey (Miel)
Dishes Inspired by Local Produce
When you have seasonal crops your menu changes with what is growing. Lupe gets creative when it comes to every dish served in the restaurant. A few of the most recent specialties include:
Come Visit or Make a Reservation Today
There are many different dining options in the Mijas and Cala de Mijas areas. Nearly none of them offer true farm-to-table recipes with locally grown fruits and vegetables, el Panal de la Reina is unique in more ways than one.
Just a short trip up the hill from the seashore with breathtaking views of the mountains and surrounding countryside. This gem should be on your culinary list for your visit to Southern Spain.
For the best Farm to Table Restaurant Mijas Spain, look no further than right here and join our family for lunch or dinner today!
Call to make a reservation: +34-628703058